The economy is a plutonomy and a precarious working class
an insecure working people who do not want to rock the ship
and will not ask for extra benefits or wages
and just be happy with what they have…
let them watch you tube
better to be exploited by capitalism than not…they say
Not having an income stream in a capitalistic system is dry
this is class war fare
Worker owned factories.
Obama took over the auto industry ie the people owned it de facto
and then he gave it back to the business or the monied class.
the us is extremely backwards in high speed transportation…
their are things we need which the people could provide…
via jobs…we need to work in the north
environmental destruction is an increasing growing catastrophe
which the business community openly argues does not exist.
we must continue in a sustained dedicated way
there will be failures and set backs
but unless we stop neo liberal imperialistic agendas
or the complete submission to monied interests
the chance for a decent future are not very high
most people do not know this is happening
get people to understand and what they can do about it
no person should be deprived of rights
we need to gain the understanding of organizing
we need to learn from the people
we need to learn from…
books not bombs
since the personal growth movement took off in the seventies
the whole world has gone to shit
so sitting in a circle sending out good thoughts
starts where it ends
we need to start taking over the civic elections
at the gong show
we have moved to the stairs of the courthouse
which like the rest of vancouver is kind of funny
as whole we offered zero resistance
which is quite zen like
only bamboo blows in the wind
and big trees fall
we are a generation or two
from real trouble
so things are urgent.
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