Saturday 15 January 2011


Where I live

as per usual i distract myself strongly from my intended goal…finishing the book pomes for the shaw…i tell myself there will be more stories…if i follow the instinctive impulse…and that is true…but one narrative will continue…the book will still be incomplete and I will not have given best effort towards my goal…

and i do not use “goal” in an irreverent sense…Anthony Robbins says we must be focused…but too much of that is a bad thing…the forest for the trees…and a cynic would argue…and i can agree…and we see what’s going on but there’s nothing we can do about it…like children we can only look after our own lives…

“most of us have withdrawn to, or never emerged from a strictly private life…”

capitalism and its concurring religion

self help,

self progress,

self care,

depressed, neurotic, paranoid, empty,



and the system creates the psychology

…how do we know…

children are not born capitalists…

now even jewish ones…

it is an ideology…

not an evolutionary step…

unless extinction is the goal…



now we have platforms upon which to announce ourselves to the world…and some argue it reinforces the masks we wear,

for any person knows no one is that much more special than anyone else…

we can all have conversations…

  • A Israeli soldier in Palestine burst into a home and the mother calls panicedly to her daughter to get down…
  • and the name called is the same name as his daughter…
  • he pulls out his wallet and shows the Mother a picture 

a complete absorption into a personal bias;

motive: feeling better…



drives the self movement…

and that lack is not an inherent trait…

it is an impression of a system

that only requires improvement…

which is more efficiency…not better but faster…

you will not get drunk if you drink water…

no matter how fast or how much…


poor people

are more friendly

less emphasis 

or put more precisely

no one is exploiting…

unless they’re talking to the


even gated communities are cold isolated places…

people are suspicious…

everyone is wary of a thief…

here the pot calls the kettle black


wealth was known by land


a fiat currency

which is only paper

                                            with a promise…


a South Korean corporation

has leased half the arable land

in Madagascar

for 99 years…

corporations in Korea control the country…

a good idea

to feed the workers…

the first world is self sufficient…

the poor countries cannot feed their people

this is not an absolute

we can point to many examples of farmers

who were coerced to grow cash crops

and then had to borrow money

to invest in infrastructure

and then  shot themselves

because they were going to lose their land 

                the game intentionally meant to make them fail…

the bankers get rich

check India

where the suicide of farmers

has been reported between

10’s of thousands to hundreds of thousands…

and in the west those that know

shake their heads

What can i do?

it so far away and it’s so complicated…

but i must think local…that will help…

I will be a good person and

practice everyday kindness

and not imagine those

poor rag heads…

blowing their brains out

or how ever they do it…



Corporate interest is an ideology

that is so prevalent it is not even recognized…

                           how can a fish understand water…


Back to India

when farmers grew food for themselves

and their neighbors

they didn’t kill themselves so often…


The Beauty of Capitalism

the Israeli’s hire Palestinians

to build walls that will

restrict their freedom

of movement

(which is a worldwide trend

see: airport pat downs and bar codes on passports)


it’s getting better

but not for everyone

“creative destruction”

describe the system

              an evolutionary process which like nature can be cruel…

so the proponents of capitalism argue  

The dream is Over

social mobility is a thing of the past

with only a few newsworthy stories

to pad the narrative millions of self reporters…

exploitation taken to new heights…

                 sociologists call this normalization… 


On a personal note  

i distract myself from the task at hand. 

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