Monday 15 August 2011

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As a blogger i was struck by the immense magnitude of my unimportance

yet the culture tells me i am very important, that the realizations of my hopes and dreams in a Hegelian sense is unimportant or have they merely been commoditized and what is so bad about a communization…

to put a price on my dreams

as in do what you love and the money will follow…

only concludes with if lots of people buy (by definition) what your selling

so more accurately advertise

be a sales person and the money will follow 

everything will be marked to the middle

and something outside is only thus in this cultures terms…

when i speak to my just off skid row friends

i am always struck by how interesting they find themselves…

another drunk i know constantly comments on how funny he is…

we are all believing in Shakespeare and the audience 


i am obsessed with my neuroses,

surely i do not what to let it go…


i want what is safe and secure unlike the real world where we can meet again

in that darker world full of light because the flattening of the sun

has encouraged me to a health without risk…

a death with out honor

deeper respect for life

or a deeper respect/narcissism for me…

the bourgeoisie

in a personal growth and development camp

while the world burns…

the old lady

running the course knows about psychic splits

having suffered one in the first world war

when she was very young and i am also curious

about this feeling of dissolution 

my black outs and time disappears

triggered by some chemical imbalance that opens a door

i remember almost nothing about,

more and more often…

you deserve a black out today…

this place is an old school trying to be cool

place run by two men who have since retired.

Ben is gay and Jock is straight or at least

gets sexual satisfaction from women

in that typical narcissistic fashion he writes.

They love each other, live together

and besides the sex get along well.

Oh well

i got to get use to talking with these people as the people i will be going to Egypt with are these types of people…

their whole conversation is underlined within a premise as in we don’t want to solve the problem, we want to talk about it, glamorize it, finacialize it    

do-gooders, idea shapers

what is best for the many

is best for the few

capitalism up side down

what is good for me

is good for the many

consumerism straight up       

I ain’t no chairman Mao

libertarians are literal thinkers.


as one of the mind

and no longer

the soul


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