Sunday 24 October 2010

Sunday Morning Again

on Sundays i propose i blog about religion and

the spiritualists;

who have,

             all made

                        a leap,

                                    of faith,

                              committing intellectual suicide

As the great author Margaret Atwood muses

                         what changes if you don’t believe in god?



(When i asked a Canadian, of Indian descent,

after a 10 day meditation retreat,

he said he couldn’t imagine an




The birds are flying around the house,

Patsy Kline is on the cd player and i know

how too blog.

Will miracles never cease



I am tempted to enter a poetry contest…but still i hold out.

a judgment of artistic endeavors is always suspect,

guilty apriori to innocence

capitalism is based on power

(in a heart of hearts good poetry is better than bad)

first place, second place is good to weigh animals

but ranking poetry is best left to the masters

and the codifying and quantifying

are two steps in a sales plan…

                                                           and fuck you

                                      I will  not be sold.


I’m sure we’ve lost the war

to corporatism and

that is the way she goes…

Why are we so obsessed by money?

                      Freud would say a fear of death  and a love of pleasure

for the liberal elite Ken Wilber

evolution is improving the way humanity lives


evolution is not a proof of spirit

the eternal is not guaranteed  

I won’t have kids in this life unless i see improvements


Word up!!!

There’s a new kind of poetry,

beyond the catholic confessional,

I felt it as sharply as night becoming day, on an acid trip…

                         jumping in the pool 

                                           stars kept laughing 

                                                                      dogs barking…

My friend from Home Depot lives in the basement, with a wife and an adopted daughter, of a house worth 700K+…two student from asia

live above as home stay…

he lives a poor life but is real estate rich…

from my liberal elite perspective

materially and size wise

but i like it.

His daughter is beautiful

she still has scars on her ankles

from the orphanage in china.     

Map picture

coherence coming  

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