Tuesday 12 October 2010


Quickly the days run together and the simple question, "Why am i alive?"

still remains...

on Thursday a grassroots group called Acorn is celebrating the fair wage policy that has been adopted by the municipality of New Westminster, an old suburb of Vancouver b.c. Canada. The party will be held on Thursday, two days from now, at 620 8Th St., commencing at 6:30 PM.

I will be in attendance.

Free food will be served.

I have heard the term slave wage more in the last few weeks than i have in my entire life. I'm in my mid forties and growing up in an upper middle class suburb, this term was not used, at university this term was not used by either teachers or students, as an enterpeneur this term was not used, as a dishwasher this term was not used, a carwash, no, construction, no, teaching, no, retail, no...but "us," being "people," have just come to the realization that labour is not something separate from the person, you don't rent or sell a part of you, you rent and sell your time, your heart beats on this planet, for a price.

We are all for sale.

But i thought slaves didn't get paid...?

But a dead slave is no good, the labour dies with him or her, a subsistence lifestyle is required...

get born, eat, shit, copulate love, talk shit, brag, eat and die...there's no special requirement everyone has the same,
but we should establish a baseline...

otherwise as all good post modernists know the system will run away with it self.

And people have been talking about this inequality for some time and wages for the average American I'm told have stagnated for the last thirty years... a good generation has swallowed the lie...there is some pissed people...and some very rich ones...which can be an interesting mix and a fair fight.

As western power drifts east, over the next few decades, we'll see then, how capitalism copes...or perhaps things will be different.

Here's to a fair wage in Canada

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