Friday 25 November 2011

Occupy the Internet

As a right wing male white journalist comments

we should take our grievances as if we work for him

to a more appropriate space…

like the internet and we have followed course.

it is only by taking physical space as all oppressed groups have noticed will those in power noticeably get upset i.e. feel threatened

A war of words has already long ago been lost in symbols of symbols endlessly careening and refracting in a virtual world and corporate interest is well protected in mainstream press and de facto owned by such.

Like paper money we write more and more hoping we can reason our way out of this particular conundrum…but have those days of reason ever existed?

Marxists critique of capitalism has yet to be answered.

Where, once all is used up, will we expand?

The optimist must believe in evolution

and that we do not create problems which we cannot solve.


The state has tested our resolve…and we went with only a whimper

a guy from Richmond giving the Indians a hand and getting arrested and released

and mat the hat still holding vigil and sleeping on the stairs of the art gallery.


Perhaps my favorites philosophy and poetry can save us

and then we need to attack mercilessly the end of history

as reported by fukyama of the rand corporation. 


no one knew we would have an eight hour work day          

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