Thursday 24 November 2011

Run Vancouver Run

with apologies to Updike

Well the Occupy Vancouver encampment moved then moved again only the second time they didn’t pitch tents and last night they held another meeting at the art gallery.

That meeting i didn’t attend but unfortunately i was at the rest.

I cleaned up the area with the help of Jessie that was the library but most everywhere else was a mess.

The courts ordered us off the property by 2pm Monday and the city gave all the homeless people shelters so they didn’t mind and the professional activists weren’t going to put up a fight so everyone was in compliance…

as a group zero resistance

which for a city this size is unusual.

The city was in peace overdrive because of hockey riots in the spring.

The moonbeam mayor is a new age spiritualist with big money backing from rich US kids who believe they have achieved higher consciousness and are de facto running  Vancouver as a social experiment.

Through a not so complicated financial network they fund both politically and at the NGO level to set city policy.

The Occupy Vancouver move was heavily infiltrated by these Vision people who are basically any one who works for an advocacy or NGO or political party in any way…all young clamoring for power.

I met a woman on the last day who was condescending to the homeless and said she moved money into various accounts as part of her job description on the behalf of Joel Salomon who is partnered with Gregor.  

The helping world has become an industry and the children of rich capitalists are running the show unawares of their prejudice and context.

The people who work for them are pathetic in that awesome sort of way.

But there is nothing we can do…capitalism will implode through well critiqued internal contradictions…we will continue to believe in the magnitude of the first person…our collective well being will be through the individual…and we will continue to believe things are getting better…

Oh to be the elite in these end times is indeed heady

i can afford to do anything i choose or at least get lessons       


The road to hell is paved with good intentions.       

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