Saturday 20 November 2010

No Operator

The snow has fallen early this year snow 064

as i sit slightly disgraced

bragging in the bar

i was a stock market operator

to Paul, who is in his seventies and a mining engineer. 


I am an idiot gambler

                     who…barely knows…

I have invested in a diamond mine in the Yukon…

                        i mean Artic

based on a tout sheet

the brother of a notorious Howe street speculator

and the interest of a major. 


“The instant gratification thing”

is getting faster

hence peoples propensity to gamble…

the junior resource sector should out perform the general market…

money has to go someplace and they keep printing more…                                             

so i speculate

to increase my wealth

                                                                while creating nothing personally


and maybe the company has a successful diamond mine…

thank goodness.


Footnote: in post modern parlance that is known as an “excess economy”       



a.Vincent is getting organized and the odds of him getting evicted are one in ten.

                          I keep reminding him to pay the rent. 


b. I’m off to Shanghai on Sunday and am excited and confused, really I’m    going    on Monday which is only two sleeps…a 12 hour plane ride…then a two hour train ride then up 6 flight of stairs and i say hello to j’s father

                                             nee how ba ba

snow 036 snow 056


c. the cute barkeep, Brooks whom I have a crush on is a  lesbian…                          

i said “I can set you up”…and she looked interested  

c+.with absurdity via Camus.

     d.               Shawn would you like to write a poem.

   oh the paradox…life is meaningless yet we have to make meaning while            realizing it’s all meaningless…you can see how that leans into existentialism…and i’m not sure about Sartre…i never got through “Being and Nothingness”

f.                           Getting harder to complain.

g. Edmonton is a good cold city. 

                                             This is Saturday and this is where i live.

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