Monday 22 November 2010

An Economic Monday


Well I'm sure the markets are open and my trip to Shanghai is causing no major fluctuations.

My trip will be filled with a book called Death of the Liberal Class.

In the Vancouver airport and enjoying a Stella while J rests on a bench.

    Across from me is an elderly gentleman and a younger Asian woman…

i imagine she is a mail order bride as she bites into her burger with relish…

                        they appear to be fond of each other…

to my right is a table full of white males in their thirties who are also enjoying a morning drink…

one is talking about his girlfriends dog walking business…

not to worry…the dog’s are fine

My good friend says we travel to see different sets and enjoy a new cast of characters…

of course she is cinematic but strangely hates the word “movie.”

An Airport Poem

The economy can only go


a strange belief in perpetual improvement…

                                        did we not know Oprah lied

An Airport Reality                  

the security is getting better

                                    you are being watched

                                                  you better buy  

let the drum beat

                   in the distance

                                   be your war cry…

Did i mention drinking

                              The liberals, the musicians, the musicians, the artists 

                                 sold out

and are into Buddhism or capitalism

                 Ozzy Osborne and Gene Simmons are clowns

the Dali Lama knows no better.


  This is Monday and this is an economic blog

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