Sunday 14 November 2010

A Religious Blog

Sunday and i did not go to church,

but i did momentarily question faith

                 if it is 

“a belief in the “unknown or the unknowable”

                            why do so many people have so much to say

as Wilber would add,

never has so much                                                                                                                        meant so little                                                                         



still a bit of a shit storm

after i wet the bed

                      we’re off to china in a week

                and i still don’t know

why i’m going



man a cigarette

would be nice

but i only do that

on Friday’s now.



I’m going platinum



same as above


View point

people have a deep need to believe in something beyond themselves…

           the latest twist on


                                             not only mirror

                                    but also creation 

                like an eternity,

                                          (sorry no you tube)

like space would still be here

          even if we were not

                    non linear


relativity means constant


no straight line.

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