Monday 20 December 2010

An Economic Blog

Insofar as we can affect the world, let it be to utterly eliminate guilt and fear as a motivator of man and replace it cell for cell with love for one another and the passion of creation.

                                          Julian Assange as quoted on his blog


Was running down a mountain trail

when i was tripped up by a wire fence

I fell hard on a rock and

tumbled down a short embankment

bloodying my hands and knee

                    life i suppose does not always go as planned



“to utterly eliminate guilt and fear”

      but is that not human?

              “replace it cell for cell with love for one another”

                     is that all there is?

                         “and the passion for creation”

here! here!


to see things anew when one is in the mainstream

is called irony and is not particularly useful.



capitalism is based on private property

and competition

               (private property includes computer money)


it is slightly painful watching my net worth grow through investments



of Thomas Jefferson

“…tried  his best,

as an enlightened,

thoughtful individual might.

But the structure

of American society,

the power of the cotton plantation,

the slave trade,

the politics of unity between Northern and Southern elites,

and the long culture of race prejudice in the colonies,

as well as his own weakness

-that combination of practical need and ideological fixation-

kept Jefferson a slave owner throughout his life.”                      (p.89)

               “A Peoples History of the United States” by Howard Zinn   


love and hate…

the new agers, hippies

and surburban housewives

agree with oprah

the republicans are competitive

and the elite control the money

Marx said

consumers eventually consume themselves



I find it amusing the largest employer in the US

targets the under thirty thousand crowd…

           they pay low wages and are anti union…



if things continue as they are

it will only get worse       



Back in the day

if a European went and lived

with the Indians for a while

he didn’t want to come back…

if an Indian came to live

with the white folk

he’d  do anything

to get home… 


On a personal note

awoke to snow

but it was not too cold

                                      the birds seem happy

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