Sunday 12 December 2010

A Religious Blog

In an 1823 letter to Lafayette, Jefferson warned:

“The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted to be freely expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure.”

People of countries

under authoritarian rule 

must nod knowingly

as the USA

a brutal proponent of Democracy

                       - free speech rule one

are demanding the cease and desist of wiki leaks

                     using moral suasion

to disrupt their funding and publication…

     the usa

              is a pretend democracy

      is it still about the worker

                                         and the elite?

in Bangladesh they die in labour battles

                   workers have a vote and terrible conditions


rich, fat and uncensored…

or so we were told…

                        if it can be

bought and sold

                                                  it can be manipulated



past tense

                  in the west i have been led to believe

life is a celebration

and money can buy appearance



fortunately power is

and Assange has devised a brilliant

marketing strategy

almost unstopable

because of the internet 

and at least the idea

                                           of free speech

Churchill said,

                          “Democracy is the best we got”  


on a personal note

i will be going to see mom and dad before i head out

on a writing retreat, til the end of March.

The areas internet connection is suspect so the blog publishing  may be irregular…

                                           we were all children once…



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