Saturday 25 December 2010

Saturday Where i Live

Xmas in the suburbs 

a wet coast city

is quiet…


                    the hum of traffic is barely discernible

             and the planes are less busy


there is no snow

and i have called friends and family

to wish them a happy holiday

with my usual abandon

and good cheer…


may the wind

be at your back

and may the sun shine

on your fields.


In the old days

one would write alone

and seek  others

to help him or her

get their work



have as you will


a story told

poems presented

novels delivered


with an i to discerning taste


it at least had to be good

now in a skewering

of that system


Effort Reward

the rewards are two fold

the effort prevalently

towards economics….

                                  money and fame

neccesary characters

in the consumer game


this poem will be left in cyber space


merry christmas


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