Friday 10 December 2010

A two week or so absence…

china 2 023

I was in Shanghai and when i went to blog

unable to make the connection…

asked around and Google waz censored…

tried a few times…

China has an abysmal record when it comes                                           to human rights as determined by the liberal class.

people from the villages coming to the cities

have a 3 in four chance of not getting paid in full                                                     if at all…

                             400 hour month’s

are not uncommon,

                   (14 hours a day                everyday…)


tall tall buildings china 063 china 2 092beautiful parks

                                     better than average jazz clubs

                       not so good blues

water water everywhere

china 2 016   

all empires fail says a priest

in Chris Hedge’s book

“Death of the Liberal Class”


but wait

the Chinese government tried to hack Google

               how does one censor the internet?

obama transfered

11.2 trillion dollars

                               to the world

and 4.6 billion to the Indians

and the black farmers


11,200,000,  (trillion)


4,600, (Billion)

the corporate world got 2,437x more

(600m to the campaign)



don’t even bother,

                        “If a vote meant anything it would be illegal”

                           this is freelANCE FRIDAY


       it is good

                 to be free

                          of censorship   

                                courage is contagious

so i read at wikiLeaks

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