Sunday 18 September 2011

Hi Hio

neoliberal capitalistic philosophy

is so prevalent

that the big environmentalist groups

are seen as merely negotiating

the rate of dezttruction


unions are seen

as bargaining tools

with no teeth


the disparity between

the north and south

is so prevalent

that solidarity is

virtually impossible


the well paid workers with

a home, car, food and internet

and benefits and pensions cannot relate

to an Egyptian seamstress…


my guess

In egypt we will not be talking

with many of the workers

instead to academics

and others

jockeying for position


I’m going to hit the street

and see what’s really going


Egypt would elect

a working party

into power

if there was

a real democracy

but the neo liberals

wouldn’t stand for that

and have already infiltrated

the region with NGO’s

media personnel

academia and the rest

of the liberal class

which include the military



of nature and others

unfortunately most working Egyptains

are financially illiterate when it comes

to world economics…they are only supported

by a system they do not understand or control. 

as i flush the toilet and run the water

at an old joke…


Bill Gates and Warren Buffett

two billionaires spend their

money on foundations that are

digging the trenches of capitalism

deeper and deeper which only

hurries things along…

capitalism must grow to survive

or are we going into space? 

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