Monday 5 September 2011

Western Union

We handled nearly $67 billion in cross-border consumer-to-consumer remittances in 2008. The Company generated $5.3 billion in revenue and $1.25 billion in cash provided by operating activities*

The President makes slightly less                                                                    than a star US sports athlete,                                                                            clocking in at less than

nine million a year…                                                                                              or $4500 an hour[i]

I know he is smarter,                                                                                        better educated,                                                                                                       lighter skinned                                                                                                            better born

In Kuwait a OFW** is paid                                                                                  $200 a month or $1.25/hour.

a year and a half equals his hour

In a decade                                                                                                              she does not earn                                                                                                                                what he makes in a day

and the really funny part is

he has lots of customers

just like her…isn’t capitalism grand?  

*from the Annual Report

[i] assuming a 40 hour week

**Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)


I bet he doesn’t feel exploited

but I bet she does……….

Is the precious resource,

“heart beats ” really more

valuable in a capitalist

than it is in the proletariat?

one calls himself an

honorable business man

yet his sense of fairness

is dictated by the market.

liberal democracy infers elitism

and subtly encourages oppression

the smooth faces of the well fed

well rested and well paid  


The capitalist cannot show his face

to the commoner anymore

and in fact spends most of his time

in private restaurants, clubs, houses (gated),  

and resorts for  the rich  


if I act in my own self interest

this will be in the best interest

of the greater good

this is the notion of the invisible hand


A Canadian Book

willfully denying that

extreme wealth

is an admirable trait,

Billionaires are Bad 


Now we have the notion of freedom

but when one looks closely at the choices,

one is modified not radicalized.

Have a home or be homeless…

one is the vast majority…

the other is stigmatized

Even Marx called the most disenfranchised of society….scum

and believed the working class would be the agents of change.

We all need to wake up, grow up and show up…

state the new age monks in their enlightened timbre


if i had a a rocket launcher…i’d bomb them first…

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