Friday 2 September 2011

September 2nd 2011

Commodification shapes the physical process of work itself and our understanding of it. Work becomes dominated by rationalisation, a high division of labour, repetition and obsession with quantity rather than quality.

The finished article no longer appears as the object of a process at all. The fragmented process of production of the object ends up producing a fragmented subject:

The personality can do no more than look on helplessly while its own existence is reduced to an isolated particle fed into an alien system.’

Reification* then has three reinforcing effects on consciousness.

---It hides the real, human relations of capitalism;

---it makes the system appear as  if it is driven by an inhuman, preordained logic;

----and it makes workers feel powerless to do anything about it…

that is wicked.

The abused is psychically trapped

and unable to physically move

oppressor/oppressed is best

according to Rand

and her disciples

including Alan Greenspan

and the Chicago boys…


the social has been reduced to media…

more words are being produced

about the same old problems…

even i the great canadian author

will be writing a report

on why the

remittance campaign

is a failure of the human spirit,


one group of

mothers and fathers

leave their children

to come work

raising the children

of other


mother and father 

Filipino nannies,

poor people

from oppressed


are in demand

english is better 


capitalism does not

include a human element…

the relationship is transactional…

how many units for me?

how many units for you?

surplus is good.


we say the global economy

is collapsing and if it does

there goes the business of aid…


if the transaction is a

hierarchal communication

based on might,

whether physical,

monetary, psychically

is not seen as cool

and is in fact

heating up the air…

with pollution and bad poetry   


and the usa

has a hold

on the Philippines

and the bases in

the middle east


this at first glance

would appear irrelevant       

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